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Battery Pack Information Lookup

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GP-SR1-PC200 Premium Example: GPEV280H240520R1006
GP-SR1-PC200 Standard Example: GPHC280H240401R1003
GP-LA12-280AH Standard Example: GDHC280H240312R1401
More Examples
SN Capacity (Ah) Max Charge Voltage (V) Min Discharge Voltage (V) BMS
GPEV280H230616R1018 302.00 56.92 42.36 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H231030R1016 298.00 57.49 42.68 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H240701R1011 305.00 57.25 41.12 GP-PC200 BMS
GPHC280H240611R1202 295.00 57.59 40.81 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H230616R1028 305.00 57.28 41.21 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H231019R1028 300.00 57.87 41.35 GP-PC200 BMS
GPRP280L240304R2401 284.00 57.99 40.90 GP-PC200 BMS
GPHC280H240611R1003 295.00 57.44 40.61 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H230705R1023 305.00 57.12 41.13 GP-PC200 BMS
GPHC280H240710R1006 294.00 57.17 41.92 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H240616R1009 304.00 57.93 40.94 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H231123R1010 302.00 57.99 42.03 GP-PC200 BMS
GPHC280H240612R1402 295.00 56.01 41.79 GP-PC200 BMS
GPHC280H240607R1003 292.00 56.70 41.98 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280L230801R3303 288.00 56.76 42.10 GP-PC200 BMS
GPRP280L231012R1001 294.00 57.69 40.55 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H240515R1003 299.00 57.99 41.45 GP-PC200 BMS
GPRP280L231115R2901 296.00 57.99 41.40 GP-PC200 BMS
GPHC280H240817R1005 295.00 56.93 42.63 GP-PC200 BMS
GPEV280H240124R1014 301.00 57.98 43.43 GP-RN200 BMS
Specification of The Battery

Pack SN:GPHC280H240418R1201
Pack Type: 51.2V LiFePO4 Battery
Pack Grade: Standard
BMS Type: JK200
Balancer Type: 4A Bluetooth Active Balancer
Heater: Without Heater
Cell Type: Hithium 280
Cell Grade: HSEV
Cells Connection: 16S1P
Pack Test Result

Full Capacity: 293.00 Ah (15.00 kWh)
Max Charge Voltage: 56.56 V
Min Discharge Voltage: 43.07 V
Charge Test Steps
  • Charging at a constant current of 100A, with a maximum charging voltage of 55.5V.
  • Charging at a constant voltage of 55.5V, with a cutoff current of 40A.
  • Charging at a constant current of 40A, with a maximum charging voltage of 58V.
  • Document the maximum charging voltage when the voltage of a single cell reaches 3.65V.
  • * Tested without deliberated active balance procedure.
Discharge Test Steps
  • Discharging at a constant current of 100A.
  • Document the minimum discharging voltage when the voltage of a single cell reaches 2.5V.
  • * Please be aware that the charge/discharge curve and capacity of batteries can vary with changing temperatures throughout the seasons. In winter, tested capacity will be relatively lower.
Charge/Discharge Curve
(Based on GPHC280H240418R1201 Test Data)

Cells Information

Cell Id QR Capacity (Ah) OCV1 (mV) RI1 (mΩ) Self Discharge Thick (mm) Test Date
1 2 0IJCBA0B471111DCK0005926 301.08 3,284.0 0.1705 0.0205 71.70 2023-12-21
2 9 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0024022 301.12 3,284.1 0.1710 0.0142 71.71 2023-12-22
3 16 0IJCBA0B471111DCK0004669 301.47 3,283.4 0.1677 0.0177 71.71 2023-12-21
4 18 0IJCBA0B471111DCK0004434 301.23 3,283.9 0.1715 0.0140 71.68 2023-12-21
5 20 0IJCBA0B471111DCK0004631 301.22 3,283.2 0.1695 0.0232 71.68 2023-12-21
6 30 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0024051 301.17 3,283.6 0.1718 0.0154 71.69 2023-12-22
7 32 0IJCBA0B051111DCJ0020149 301.67 3,282.6 0.1735 0.0256 71.64 2023-12-22
8 59 0IJCBA0B051111DCG0024989 301.62 3,284.7 0.1714 0.0177 71.68 2023-12-22
9 62 0IJCBA0B471111DCK0003498 301.26 3,283.8 0.1704 0.0212 71.68 2023-12-21
10 64 0IJCBA0B051111DCH0011984 301.50 3,283.8 0.1718 0.0217 71.73 2023-12-22
11 67 0IJCBA0B051111DCG0025048 300.94 3,284.4 0.1712 0.0181 71.69 2023-12-22
12 88 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0023588 301.21 3,284.2 0.1713 0.0248 71.69 2023-12-22
13 89 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0023130 300.90 3,284.1 0.1693 0.0184 71.69 2023-12-22
14 94 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0023924 301.49 3,284.0 0.1725 0.0216 71.64 2023-12-22
15 95 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0021306 301.09 3,283.9 0.1729 0.0190 71.69 2023-12-22
16 96 0IJCBA0B471111DCL0022631 301.70 3,284.0 0.1683 0.0215 71.70 2023-12-22
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Why Cells Consistency is Important?

Cell consistency in a LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery, or indeed any type of battery, refers to the uniformity of the performance and characteristics of the individual cells within the battery.

When a battery is made up of multiple cells, it's important that each cell has the same capacity, internal resistance, self-discharge rate, and other performance characteristics. This is because the overall performance of the battery is only as good as its weakest cell. If one cell has a lower capacity or higher internal resistance, it can reduce the performance of the entire battery, and can even lead to premature failure of the battery.

In a series configuration, the same current flows through all cells. If one cell has a lower capacity, it will discharge faster than the others. Once this cell is fully discharged, the overall battery voltage will drop significantly, even though the other cells still have charge left. This can lead to underutilization of the overall battery capacity.

In a parallel configuration, all cells share the same voltage. If one cell has a higher self-discharge rate, it will drain the other cells to balance its voltage, leading to a faster overall discharge rate.

Moreover, inconsistencies between cells can lead to issues with balancing. Balancing is the process of ensuring all cells in a battery are at the same state of charge. This is typically done by either transferring charge from higher charged cells to lower charged ones (active balancing), or by dissipating excess charge in the higher charged cells (passive balancing). If the cells are inconsistent, it can make balancing more difficult and less effective.

Therefore, cell consistency is crucial for maximizing the performance, longevity, and safety of a battery. This is why Gobel Power puts a lot of effort into cell selection and sorting, to ensure that only cells with similar characteristics are used together in a battery.

Static parameters such as capacities, internal resistances, and voltage levels, though informative, may not provide a comprehensive picture of cell consistency in a LiFePO4 (Lithium Iron Phosphate) battery. A more practical and straightforward method to assess cell consistency involves monitoring the maximum charge voltage when a single cell reaches 3.65V. This is based on the understanding that if the cells exhibit good consistency, the voltage variation across them will be minimal, resulting in a higher overall maximum charge voltage. Therefore, observing the maximum charge voltage when one cell attains 3.65V can serve as a reliable indicator of the battery's cell consistency.

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