functionality heating pads

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Joined: Wed Dec 06, 2023 11:04 am

functionality heating pads

Unread postby lucca371 » Mon Feb 19, 2024 9:37 am

the RS150 can be equipped with a heating pad. I would like to understand how the controls works.
I can't find any information about it in the operating instructions.
my guess:
-turn on heater when temperature <= UTA alarm,
-turn off heater when temperature >= UTA recovery,
Are there other parameters that need to be met, e.g. charging current?
Does the heater also work if the battery is discharged or not in use?



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Re: functionality heating pads

Unread postby fancyui » Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:25 am

-turn on heater when temperature <= UTA alarm,
-turn off heater when temperature >= UTA recovery


Heat pad need power from the charger or inverter, so it only works when charged or not in use.

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Re: functionality heating pads

Unread postby ritchy » Wed Nov 27, 2024 8:56 pm

hello Gobel Support,

it would be a better function in the bms-software, if you had separate setting options for the heating pad in the software where you could set the degrees when it should turn on and off. And please do this in the software version for the RN 150 Pack.

The logic in the 150 is not that great. If the temperature falls below the alarm temperature, charging the battery is prohibited and the heating mat is switched on when there is enough charging current. If the temperature rises to recovery, the battery is charged again and the heating mats are switched off. In practice, this means that on sunny days only the batteries are heated and when they are warm the sun goes down again without the battery being charged much. There should be separate thresholds for the heating mats and battery charging. Unfortunately, there aren't any.

So it is now it’s make no sense
It is possible?

Best regards ritchy